The Chief Audit Executive (CAE) Briefing is now a FREE course for all CAEs. If you are the CAE in your organization, or you report to a CAE in a large organization, you may register for this course at:

If you are NOT a CAE, this course is not for you.

In this week’s video I’m going to let you in on a little secret.

A big reason why the other executives in your organization may not perceive you as a trusted advisor, and why many of you are at a big disadvantage.

More in-depth on this coming in my next Jamming with Jason podcast episode that will drop on Tuesday, 21 January.

We are now accepting new member applications for the CAE Forum.

If you are serious about elevating the status of internal audit in your organization, developing your executive presence, and learning best practices and thought leadership from like-minded CAEs, the CAE Forum is for you.

Submit your application at:

Keep an eye out for e-mails about the CAE Forum over the next two weeks.

I’ll be sending several as reminders, since there is a small window of time when you can submit your application. Make sure you do before the deadline.

Keep rockin’ the audit world, my friends.

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